% | |
During the last 6 months how many times did you stung (n = 344) | |
Zero time | 44.6 |
At least once | 55.4 |
Frequency of accidental exposure during the last 6 months | |
At least one | 63.2 |
2 - 3 times | 20.7 |
More than 3 | 16.2 |
Existence in the care institution of a system of protection of occupational exposure (n = 388) | 3.1 |
Knowledge of appropriate actions to be taken immediately after accidental exposure | 17.3 |
Is it necessary to report an injection syringe (n = 361) | 47.9 |
Is it necessary to report an exposure by the human fluid or blood (n = 335) | 48.1 |